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Phishing FAQs

Phishing is a type of fraud in which a hacker attempts to gather personal information or credentials by impersonating a legitimate brand and sending users to a malicious website.

What if the email sender is from an Andelan?

Never trust an email based solely on its purported sender. Cybercriminals have many methods of disguise. They understand how to trick their victims into thinking a sender is legitimate when the email comes from a malicious source. 

How can I detect a phishing email?

  1. Take note of the sending email address and not just the name displayed.Screenshot_2020-09-14_at_16.16.14.png
  2. Hover your cursor over links in the email to determine their real destination.Screenshot_2020-09-14_at_16.16.53.png
  3. Be wary of emails that seek unnecessary urgent attention.

I’ve received a phishing email. Now what?

  • Do not respond to the email
  • Do not click on any links or open any attachments
  • Report the incident by submitting a request on
  • Include a screenshot of the email that you received
  • Mark the email as phishing (screenshot below) from within your email platform to allow us to improve our automatic defenses.


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