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How are rates set and negotiated at Andela?

Setting your desired compensation within your Andela profile is the first step in determining your work pay with Andela. Your final rate for individual client engagements will always be negotiated with a matcher who helps clients find the right technologist from our network.

Updating your profile:

  • You can display your desired compensation on your profile as a single monthly rate or a range (unless you work for Andela through a third-party agency).
  • Adding this information to your profile will not affect your job recommendations, but it will help matchers better understand your expectations when reviewing your applications.
  • Your profile's monthly rate or range will not be the final rate you are paid for a job. Rates are negotiated for each individual engagement based on your prior experience, and the particular needs of the Andela client on that engagement.

Technical vetting: 

  • When a matcher contacts you for a job, you will be asked to confirm a monthly rate for the engagement (unless you work for Andela through a third-party agency, in which case your agency will set your rate).
  • You are in full control of this rate; however, the matcher will be able to help you decide on an appropriate rate for the role if you are unsure.

Rate reviews:

  • After working on a client engagement, you can periodically request a rate review based on your agreed upon pay rate.
  • There are specific points when you may request a rate review, which are:
    • After one full year of working on a client engagement
    • When you master a new skill or use a new tool
    • When you relocate to a city or country that demands a higher cost of living

Deciding your rate:

  • Set your minimum rate: Ensure you set the minimum rate you expect to receive on a client engagement. This should be the lowest value you are willing to accept.
Note: Andela Matchers will always strive to negotiate a rate higher than your minimum rate with our clients. However, this is not always possible, and you should be prepared to consider roles that may equal your minimum rate expectations or be slightly lower.
  • Set a monthly rate: Your rate should be a monthly value instead of a daily or annual rate.
  • Set your rate in USD: Your monthly rate should be valued in US dollars (USD). You may need to convert your desired rate from your local currency to a USD value.
  • Set your gross rate: The rate you set should be a gross value, i.e., the total rate before taxes and other deductions (e.g., benefits, unpaid holidays, or time off)
Note: As a contractor, you will be responsible for covering these costs out of pocket from your gross rate.
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