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Maternity / Paternity leave

Contractors are eligible for only unpaid leave and unpaid holidays. Going on a Paternity/Maternity leave is subject to the client’s approval. In most cases, the client will face difficulties having the engineer away for a long period of time and thus the request will be denied or the engineer will be rolled off the engagement. However, in cases where the client approves the engineer going on a Paternity/Maternity leave, the duration of the leave period will be deducted from the engineer’s monthly payment as unpaid time off.  If you are facing a similar scenario, please make sure to notify the Delivery team in advance on Andela Chat. When you reach out to them, please note:

  • Your type of leave and the time you are requesting off
  • Add any additional context that details your request
  • Also note who your line manager is (Where applicable)

Your DP will reach out to the client and communicate their decision. The client might request a temporary replacement, a roll-off, or in very rare scenarios, will approve your request directly. Regardless, the client’s decision will be communicated back to you, along with the next steps to be taken.

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