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Feedback Cycles / Contract renewal

Contracts with Clients are reviewed regularly, at least once a year, with the intention to renew where possible. 

When going through the contract renewal cycle, the following scenarios may happen:

  • An Engineer contract ends:

    If Andela is still working with your client and there have been no performance issues then your contract will be renewed (This will be based on the overall client feedback). 
  • End of Client Engagement:

    In case where a client engagement ends/client churns due to client specific reason (roadmap change, client reorganization or financial concerns at partner side)
    • Scenario 1: In case there is another suitable assignment matching your skill-set, you will have the opportunity to join the new client team right away (a new  SOW will be signed for that).
    • Scenario 2: In case there is no immediate assignment available, you will become a member of Andela’s Talent Network and first in line to be considered for new opportunities.
  • Termination of Contract from your end:

    In case you want to move out of Andela’s project, you would be required to give a notice of  30 days unless otherwise mentioned in your contract. If you are considering wanting to end a contract please read our article about rolling off or ending an engagement.


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