When you join the network, you will continue to only use your personal email for communication, even when you're engaged on a client project. However, an Email Provisioning Service (EPS) will mask your personal email under the Andela brand with an alias of @talent.andela.com. Here is an example of how it works:
- Let's say your personal email is johndoe123@yahoo.com. When you email a client, they will see john.doe@talent.andela.com as the sender, not your personal email address.
- This masked email address will be [name]@talent.andela.com.
- When the client responds to john.doe@talent.andela.com, the message will be filtered through the EPS.
- The message is sent back to your personal email address, 'johndoe123@yahoo.com'. This will ensure that your email address remains private and secure.