It's interview time, and we've gathered some must-know, in-depth tips on how to respond to an uncertain scenario or trickier question with an Andela interviewer. Ready to learn? Let's get to it!
- Listen closely: During an interview, carefully listen to the interviewer's introduction. Adapting your communication style to match theirs can establish a stronger connection and leave a better impression. For technical interviewers, emphasize your knowledge and use specialized language, while for non-technical managers, simplify your terms and focus on aligning your skills with the company's objectives.
- Demonstrate skills you do not have: Honesty about your skills and experience is essential. If you're asked a question about something that you have little knowledge or experience with, it's okay to say so. Instead of saying, "I don't know," you can positively acknowledge the gap in your knowledge and express a willingness to learn and grow. For example, you could say, "While I don't have much experience with that specific technology, I'm confident in my ability to learn quickly, and I'm excited about the opportunity to expand my skills."
- Understand all questions: If you don't understand a question, ask for clarity to highlight your skills and achievements. Differentiate between questions, such as factual versus experiential, and tailor your responses accordingly. For example, a question like "What is Java?" requires a different response than "What is your experience with Java?" For technology-related queries, provide a concise definition followed by a description of your experience. Keep your answers focused and be ready to elaborate if necessary.
- Manage your time: During an interview, time management is crucial. Keep your responses focused and concise to cover the necessary information. Avoid going off-topic or providing excessive details. Allocate your time wisely and avoid spending too long on any one topic. If you've provided a thorough answer, offer to elaborate further if needed.
Live coding: Preparing for a live coding interview can lead to success with proper practice and readiness. Follow these tips:
- Practice coding problems using platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or Codewars.
- Review programming basics, including data structures, algorithms, and syntax.
- Get comfortable with the programming language used in the interview.
- Explain your thought process and decisions as you code.
- Test your code with various inputs and edge cases.
- Stay calm if you face challenges, and ask for clarification or assistance.
- Utilize good coding practices for readability.
- Seek understanding before starting to code, and don't hesitate to ask questions.
- Showcase problem-solving skills, not memorized syntax.
Communication: If you struggle to understand the interviewer's accent, here are steps you can take to enhance communication:
- Ask for clarification to ensure understanding.
- Paraphrase what you heard to confirm understanding and allow the interviewer to correct misunderstandings.
- Focus on keywords and utilize context to piece together the question. If experiencing difficulty, politely address the issue by requesting the interviewer to speak more slowly or repeat the question. Maintain patience and respect throughout the interview process, demonstrating thoughtfulness and engagement.
Follow-up: After each interview, send a thank you email to the interviewer(s) and gather feedback and any next steps from the matcher.
With these tips in your back pocket, you'll be ready to handle any question or situation that comes your way. Go get 'em!